We%26#39;ve never been shrimping and we%26#39;ve only crabbed once(off a dock - didn%26#39;t catch much). We%26#39;re coming in late April.........is that the season for either? Also is it fun? for kids? I%26#39;d love any advice you can give including suggestions on which Captains to go out with. Thanks!!
Shrimping %26amp; crabbing. Where to do it %26amp; is it fun?
Since shrimping is a cash crop around here, there is only a limited season for recreational shrimping. It is in the fall and licenses are available to SC residents.
As for crabbing it is possible to do it in the lagoons. you can pick up pots and bait at many of the convenience stores.
Stan (hhiguy)
Shrimping %26amp; crabbing. Where to do it %26amp; is it fun?
hhiguy......thanks for the info, but i did see an advertisement for tammy jane charters (for shrimping). do you know anything about this? also, are we better off crabbing by ourselves or within a ';cruise';. again, thanks for the help. you have answered many of our posts %26amp; we really appreciate the ';insiders'; info. :)
I%26#39;ve never even been to Hilton Head, but I can tell you about shrimping and crabbing as a life long resident of McClellanville, SC. I don%26#39;t consider either much of a sport, but either can be a fun afternoon for kids.
The previous poster was incorrect in saying that shrimping requires a season and license, that%26#39;s only shrimp baiting. If you simply cast where the shrimp are you don%26#39;t have to abide by these laws, however you aren%26#39;t going to fill a cooler very quickly, most people just do this to catch their fishing bait.
Crab can be done off any dock with simply a peice of raw chicken (the necks are cheap at the grocery) a weight and a string reeled in very slowly. If you see a crab on the line you scoop him up with a dip net before he sees that you%26#39;re pulling him in.
I personally don%26#39;t know of any cruises that offer either service and wouldn%26#39;t pay for them, but you can pick up the supplies at most fishing stores and ask the locals for pointers.
FYI, to follow on from the previous poster, try to leave the chicken neck out in the sun at least half a day, you%26#39;ll get better results.
Also, the boat ramp area next to Old Oyster Factory is a popular shrimping spot.
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