I was originally planning to go to Myrtle Beach this year in mid July but my sister in law and family will be there the week of June 10th. I would really like to be down there when they will be there as the kids can all play together on the beach (mine are 8 and 15 ) and hers are (8,11,14,16) they have a blast. My real concern is the water temperature (and her concern too although that is the only dates they can go this year). I searched the web and the average water temp is 78 to 80 (in July it is 83). Has anyone been there in June and how was the ocean water? I don%26#39;t really like cold water too much--I did swim in it in July. I live to swim and bogey board with my kids (we love it) much more than the pool. I wonder--should we go by ourselves in July--the kids won%26#39;t have anyone to play with- or go in June and risk the water temperature?
ocean water temperature June 10th?
I would not worry! We went June 2nd last year and the water was wonderful! When the tide goes out the water leaves little pools all around the beach and they are as warm as bath water. That was very unique and we love it. We got pretty far out into the ocean and never had a problem with the water being cold or even cool. We had dolphins swimming close by every day as well.
ocean water temperature June 10th?
I head to the beach the last week of May almost every year and have never had a problem with the water being to cold. Personally I think that is the best time to go as the water is still a source of refreshment from the heat that can be present in the summer. The temps should be fine, you may have the shivers when you first put your feet in but it will be pleasant. I wouldnt worry to much! Try the sport of bodysurfing, basically boogie boarding without the board, if the waves are nice it is a ride that is hard to beat!
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